Focus Areas
Focus Areas
Keeping kids safe
Secure gun storage can protect kids and keep our youth safe.
Preventing firearm suicides
Firearms represent the leading cause of suicide death in Oregon, with more than half of all suicides by firearm.
Supporting our Veterans
If you are a vet or service member who is having a hard time, know that you are not alone.
Preventing school & mass shootings
All of us want to live in communities where we can attend concerts and go to the movies, and feel safe.
Keeping illegal guns out of our communities
We need to ensure the gun industry follows ethical business practices, and bad actors are held accountable.
Preventing shootings & homicides
Those who’ve been most impacted by gun violence also most understand solutions.
Get Involved
Get Involved
Share Your Story
Gun related tragedies affect everyone. Share your story, and let us know why safer communities matter to you.
Be a Volunteer
Change requires all of us. Bring your skills and time to help us create a better future for all of us.
Who We Are
Learn more about the Alliance, our history, and how we work.
Mission and Vision
Safer communities are possible.
Staff and Board
Meet our staff and our leadership.
Contact Us
Find our contact information and get in touch.
Oregon's Gun Laws
Today, Oregon has had weak gun laws that put our communities at risk.
2023 Annual Report
Learn how our work is making a difference.
Join the alliance
Contact Us
4931 SW 76th Ave. Box #154
Portland, OR 97225
Contact Details
(541) 204-0753
Email Us