Take Action now to make Oregon a safer place

Change is possible. But it will take all of us working together. Most Oregonians agree with meaningful legislation that reduces gun tragedies. The data and evidence is clear - strong state level policies significantly reduce gun deaths.

For too long, Oregon has remained behind, with lax gun policies that benefit the industry while we lose loved ones to preventable tragedies. Our current gun law ranking is a C+.

Make your voice heard

Your voice matters and our state leaders need to hear from you.

Send a message to your state representative now to tell them it’s time to put our kids and communities first..
  • Right now, an 18-year-old can buy a military style weapon in Oregon with no training.
  • And even if a background check hasn’t gone through, thanks to weak laws and a loophole, even those who should be prohibited from purchasing a firearm can get one after 48 hours
Together, we can ensure Oregon has strong, meaningful gun death and injury prevention policies.
Contact your Local Leaders

Demand industry reform

For too long, our leaders have caved to the pressure of the 200 billion+ gun industry, afraid to fight for change. Meanwhile, the gun industry benefits from our fear and division, with almost no oversight or regulation. In fact, in Oregon, the average gun dealer is only inspected once every 10 years. We must ensure the most deadly industry is held to responsible business standards and that victims can be compensated when the industry is causing harm.

Sign this petition to demand the gun industry be held liable.
Sign the Petition